Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eq#3     d = V1Δt + 1/2aΔt^2

we can know from the groph:
aΔt = V2-V1
Δabc----d2 = V1 Δt
Raceo-----d1 =1/2 (V2-V1) Δt

d = d1 + d2
    =V1 Δt + 1/2 (V2-V1) Δt
    =V1 Δt + 1/2 (aΔt) Δt
    =V1 Δt + 1/2aΔt^2

Eq#4   d= V2 Δt – ½ a Δt^2

we can know from the graph:
Δabd------d1 = (V1+V1) Δt
Rbdoe----d2 = V2Δt

d = V2Δt - (V1+ V2) Δt  
   = V2Δt - ½ a Δt^2

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The materials we used to build the motor are: wood, nail(four long, four short), cork(cylinder), stack(axed), paper clips, thumbtacks(pin), pop can, and sand paper.
First we placed the four inch nails. The length between each two nails on the both side is two to three cm, and the space between each pairs is five to six cm. we hammered the nails onto the wood. Then we places pin through the centre of the cork. On the one end of the cork we placed two pins, they are the commutators. Then we warp the wire around the cork. We bare both ends of the wire and wrap the bared section around both of the pins. We cut the pop can into two pieces, hammered them into wood on the both side of the commutators pin. We also sanded both side of the pop can pieces, we used it as the brushes. put he magnets on the nails, with opposite facing each other.(1)
When connect with the power, the motor turned round 360 degrees, more than three times.
If there are on brushes the motor can’t turn three times, it will stop. The current must be swish. The two brushes are used to swish the current. Without the brushes, if one of the wires goes to the top, the motor will be stopped, because the magnetic field on the wire are going two different ways. With the brushes helping swish current, so the magnetic field on the wire can also be swished. So the motor can be turn around more than three times.

From the project, team work and organization is very important. A good team work and organize effect on the result good or not. To do the better work also depend on the prepare work.